Saturday, September 23, 2006
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Umbilical cord around the neck
From ultrasound that the baby has the cord around his neck. From flowmetry also show all ok, not too stretto.Il monitoring shows a lively child, and I'm felice.Purtroppo has added a rapid aging of the placenta and amniotic fluid continues to fall ... This implies a continuous inspection of the situation, and every 3 days or so, I have to go to the clinic to do ultrasound and monitoring, things that force me to long hours in the waiting room who are exhausted me ... are now at 39 weeks e mi stanco molto facilmente...Ma sto facendo il conto alla rovescia, mancano veramente pochi giorni!!!Il medico opta per un parto naturale ma, se la situazione dovesse peggiorare ancora faranno il cesareo .
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
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few days monitoring
Giovedì andrò al mio primo monitoraggio.
Ho cercato nel web cosa sia ed ho trovato:
"E'il monitoraggio del battito cardiaco del feto (o cardiotocografia) , un esame che registra la frequenza delle pulsazioni del cuore (cioè il loro numero al minuto) e la loro variazioni allo stesso tempo rileva la presenza di contrazioni dell'utero. L'esame non comporta rischi né per la mamma né per il feto. Il monitoring is carried out with an appliance, the cardiotocograph. The device consists of a sort of "box", they are connected to two small instruments (detectors or transducers) and two elastic bands (to fix the references to the woman's body). From the "box" comes a strip of paper on which is recorded to the outcome (similar all'elletrocardiogramma).
The examination used to detect the fetal heart rate variability and whether the pulse is normal: the number of these to suit the different needs of the body of the fetus, should oscillate on average between 120 and 160 beats per minute (This is the average of the whole pregnancy, the frequency tends to decrease with il procedere della gestazione e raggiunge alla nascita le 110 pulsazioni al minuto). Le pulsazioni rimangono costanti solo mentre bambino dorme o se vi è una sofferenza fetale. Se il battito è costante, quindi, per valutare esattamente la frequenza delle pulsazioni, si deve attendere il piccolo si svegli: l'esame può quindi protrarsi anche per 40-60 minuti o più. I ritmi circadiani (l'alternanza cioè delle fasi sonno-veglia) del feto sono infatti molto ridotti: ogni fase dura 40 minuti circa."
sono emozionata, il mio bimbo ultimamente sembra riempirmi talmente il pancione da renderlo duro duro...
Giovedì andrò al mio primo monitoraggio.
Ho cercato nel web cosa sia ed ho trovato:
"E'il monitoraggio del battito cardiaco del feto (o cardiotocografia) , un esame che registra la frequenza delle pulsazioni del cuore (cioè il loro numero al minuto) e la loro variazioni allo stesso tempo rileva la presenza di contrazioni dell'utero. L'esame non comporta rischi né per la mamma né per il feto. Il monitoring is carried out with an appliance, the cardiotocograph. The device consists of a sort of "box", they are connected to two small instruments (detectors or transducers) and two elastic bands (to fix the references to the woman's body). From the "box" comes a strip of paper on which is recorded to the outcome (similar all'elletrocardiogramma).
The examination used to detect the fetal heart rate variability and whether the pulse is normal: the number of these to suit the different needs of the body of the fetus, should oscillate on average between 120 and 160 beats per minute (This is the average of the whole pregnancy, the frequency tends to decrease with il procedere della gestazione e raggiunge alla nascita le 110 pulsazioni al minuto). Le pulsazioni rimangono costanti solo mentre bambino dorme o se vi è una sofferenza fetale. Se il battito è costante, quindi, per valutare esattamente la frequenza delle pulsazioni, si deve attendere il piccolo si svegli: l'esame può quindi protrarsi anche per 40-60 minuti o più. I ritmi circadiani (l'alternanza cioè delle fasi sonno-veglia) del feto sono infatti molto ridotti: ogni fase dura 40 minuti circa."
sono emozionata, il mio bimbo ultimamente sembra riempirmi talmente il pancione da renderlo duro duro...
Friday, August 11, 2006
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Diet in pregnancy II
Non vedo l'ora di farmi una mangiata di prosciutto crudo, lonza e salame!!!
Da quando sono in gravidanza ho dovuto eliminarli, per la toxoplasmosi.
Sempre per la toxo tutta la frutta e verdura crude vanno immerse e sciacquate bene in amuchina (che dà quel bel sapore di cloro capace di alterare ogni sapore...), eliminati frutti di mare (e non solo per la toxo) di cui mi farò scorpacciata appena potrò, la carne consumata solo ben cotta.
Non vedo l'ora di farmi una mangiata di prosciutto crudo, lonza e salame!!!
Da quando sono in gravidanza ho dovuto eliminarli, per la toxoplasmosi.
Sempre per la toxo tutta la frutta e verdura crude vanno immerse e sciacquate bene in amuchina (che dà quel bel sapore di cloro capace di alterare ogni sapore...), eliminati frutti di mare (e non solo per la toxo) di cui mi farò scorpacciata appena potrò, la carne consumata solo ben cotta.
Sunday, August 6, 2006
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the gynecologist to check the amniotic fluid during pregnancy Diet
Alle 12:00 di oggi ho appuntamento con il ginecologo per controllare il livello del liquido amniotico.
last visit was reduced and the doctor immediately put me at complete rest, with the obligation to drink a lot.
Since then swallowed about 4 liters of water a day, I'm all the time on the couch with her legs raised (three providential cushions!) And control underwear - which should not be wet pipi'-type.
I am anxious to know if we have solved ...
Ore 20:54
Oggi il medico mi ha confermato aumento del liquido, ma non il suo totale ripristino. Permane quindi obbligo di riposo assoluto.
Il bimbo ha un peso stimato di 1,8 kg... ed è bello vivace!!! ;-)
Alle 12:00 di oggi ho appuntamento con il ginecologo per controllare il livello del liquido amniotico.
last visit was reduced and the doctor immediately put me at complete rest, with the obligation to drink a lot.
Since then swallowed about 4 liters of water a day, I'm all the time on the couch with her legs raised (three providential cushions!) And control underwear - which should not be wet pipi'-type.
I am anxious to know if we have solved ...
Ore 20:54
Oggi il medico mi ha confermato aumento del liquido, ma non il suo totale ripristino. Permane quindi obbligo di riposo assoluto.
Il bimbo ha un peso stimato di 1,8 kg... ed è bello vivace!!! ;-)
Friday, August 4, 2006
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Nonostante i chili "messi sopra" sinora non siano molti (6 kg e sono all' ottavo mese) i valori dell'analisi del sangue impongono molta attenzione alla dieta da seguire.
Given that I'm not a big consumer of cheese and desserts, the values \u200b\u200bof triglycerides and coelsterolo are very high.
belong to that category of people that produces great amounts of cholesterol and with pregnancy, the normal increase in this value becomes dangerous.
So: skimmed milk (or skimmed), fresh fruit instead of sweets, poem flow, elimination of sources of cholesterol such as crustaceans or molluscs.
For the rest I have to eat all the baby need every member of the noble foods.
To all mothers: that the values \u200b\u200bof cholesterol increase is normal, is an effect of pregnancy. But attention to the extremes: sudden satisfy the cravings of sweets is good, but if it becomes a habit damaged beyond yourself-even the baby!
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
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Pancione eighth month
And we came to 'eighth month ...
This morning I went for blood tests (with a bang soldoni !!!), that I should withdraw 14.08.2006.
Instead, a moment ago, the hospital where I went for my analysis has called an emergency at home for the values \u200b\u200bthat are too "How High" ...
I asked my brother to pick up the reports (prepared by proxy and everything you need), I just can not do it. I'm exhausted, almost swollen ankles from swelling .... But there are less than a couple of months, we're almost there.
I am curious to know the reason for such urgency ...
However, the belly grows, so here is the photo that shows the progress. In 10 days (compared a quella con l'abito giallo) e' aumentata di molto!!! Sono un'autentica "panzona" ;-)
And we came to 'eighth month ...
This morning I went for blood tests (with a bang soldoni !!!), that I should withdraw 14.08.2006.
Instead, a moment ago, the hospital where I went for my analysis has called an emergency at home for the values \u200b\u200bthat are too "How High" ...
I asked my brother to pick up the reports (prepared by proxy and everything you need), I just can not do it. I'm exhausted, almost swollen ankles from swelling .... But there are less than a couple of months, we're almost there.
I am curious to know the reason for such urgency ...
However, the belly grows, so here is the photo that shows the progress. In 10 days (compared a quella con l'abito giallo) e' aumentata di molto!!! Sono un'autentica "panzona" ;-)
Saturday, July 29, 2006
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pharmacies strike right now ... And now all rest
In questi giorni in cui devo rimanere in casa (medico categorico al riguardo) per consentire al liquido amniotico di rigenerarsi, i farmacisti stanno scioperando.
Non mi pronuncio sui motivi, avranno le loro ragioni, ma ora ci stiamo informando sulla farmacia comunale piu' vicina in caso di necessita'.
IO continuo a bere i miei 4 litrozzi di liquidi al giorno ed a stare ferma come una salamotta on the bed, hoping not to have need for drugs ...
In questi giorni in cui devo rimanere in casa (medico categorico al riguardo) per consentire al liquido amniotico di rigenerarsi, i farmacisti stanno scioperando.
Non mi pronuncio sui motivi, avranno le loro ragioni, ma ora ci stiamo informando sulla farmacia comunale piu' vicina in caso di necessita'.
IO continuo a bere i miei 4 litrozzi di liquidi al giorno ed a stare ferma come una salamotta on the bed, hoping not to have need for drugs ...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
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monitoring No, not now. Today we did
flowmetry, ie a survey that analyzes the flow of the baby and mother.
Everything ok, except that the amniotic fluid is diminished by having to make enough to stay totally relaxing break, anticipating maternity leave.
From now under control, any further reduction should be reported to the doctor ...
Care of iron to combat anemia and enough water for the mine and its dehydration.
Anyway missing two months!
monitoring No, not now. Today we did
flowmetry, ie a survey that analyzes the flow of the baby and mother.
Everything ok, except that the amniotic fluid is diminished by having to make enough to stay totally relaxing break, anticipating maternity leave.
From now under control, any further reduction should be reported to the doctor ...
Care of iron to combat anemia and enough water for the mine and its dehydration.
Anyway missing two months!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Finale Notepadhow To Change Title
analysis ...
well ... are needed to monitor a pregnancy?
Taaaaante many, especially if the new mother was over 30 years.
Tomorrow I am going 'to do the monitoring, I have not understood what it is, in the next post will give you the info about it.
is approaching the date of maternity leave which, because of the heat makes me ball my legs aching, still seems far away.
Meanwhile I bought on ebay
liners and pre-and post-partum girdles, fantozziane things that should keep me back (that already begins to feel the weight).
I can not wait to be tomorrow ....
well ... are needed to monitor a pregnancy?
Taaaaante many, especially if the new mother was over 30 years.
Tomorrow I am going 'to do the monitoring, I have not understood what it is, in the next post will give you the info about it.
is approaching the date of maternity leave which, because of the heat makes me ball my legs aching, still seems far away.
Meanwhile I bought on ebay
liners and pre-and post-partum girdles, fantozziane things that should keep me back (that already begins to feel the weight).
I can not wait to be tomorrow ....
Saturday, July 22, 2006
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will come in a few days maternity leave ... I was hoping to be able to stay at work for the eighth month, but the hot and sultry weather of recent weeks are erndendo difficult pregnancy ... sin!
Now it 's all a tour of hospitals and doctors to get the necessary info, purchase of medical supplies and not for the big event, exercises breathing for childbirth and the desire to embrace the baby kicking in the belly ...
Only now I understand why ', where the economy is low, many women dying in childbirth ... the risks are many, so well the hardships before and after childbirth.
Yet, despite all the preparation, we must always pray that - the big moment-the luck you put in the hands of the physician and the appropriate structure, which is not always possible.
thought that epiturale anesthesia (which allows you to give birth with less pain heavy) was a right for all, but wandered.
I hope to be one of the fortunate who can use them ...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Popping Corn In Microwave
these pages will be a sort of diary of impressions semiquotidiano completely personal (and therefore not supported) of everyday life.
I hope to find many people who, like myself, think that the best way to live is to not break and not be broken, using-where necessary-taaaanta patience (and towards the "others" than to ourselves!).
A salutone, see you soon!
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