Friday, August 11, 2006

Red Spots Around Eye Lids

Diet in pregnancy II

Non vedo l'ora di farmi una mangiata di prosciutto crudo, lonza e salame!!!

Da quando sono in gravidanza ho dovuto eliminarli, per la toxoplasmosi.

Sempre per la toxo tutta la frutta e verdura crude vanno immerse e sciacquate bene in amuchina (che dà quel bel sapore di cloro capace di alterare ogni sapore...), eliminati frutti di mare (e non solo per la toxo) di cui mi farò scorpacciata appena potrò, la carne consumata solo ben cotta.


Sunday, August 6, 2006

Mens Size 13 Aqua Shoes

the gynecologist to check the amniotic fluid during pregnancy Diet

Alle 12:00 di oggi ho appuntamento con il ginecologo per controllare il livello del liquido amniotico.

last visit was reduced and the doctor immediately put me at complete rest, with the obligation to drink a lot.

Since then swallowed about 4 liters of water a day, I'm all the time on the couch with her legs raised (three providential cushions!) And control underwear - which should not be wet pipi'-type.

I am anxious to know if we have solved ...


Ore 20:54

Oggi il medico mi ha confermato aumento del liquido, ma non il suo totale ripristino. Permane quindi obbligo di riposo assoluto.

Il bimbo ha un peso stimato di 1,8 kg... ed è bello vivace!!! ;-)

Friday, August 4, 2006

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Nonostante i chili "messi sopra" sinora non siano molti (6 kg e sono all' ottavo mese) i valori dell'analisi del sangue impongono molta attenzione alla dieta da seguire.

Given that I'm not a big consumer of cheese and desserts, the values \u200b\u200bof triglycerides and coelsterolo are very high.

belong to that category of people that produces great amounts of cholesterol and with pregnancy, the normal increase in this value becomes dangerous.

So: skimmed milk (or skimmed), fresh fruit instead of sweets, poem flow, elimination of sources of cholesterol such as crustaceans or molluscs.

For the rest I have to eat all the baby need every member of the noble foods.

To all mothers: that the values \u200b\u200bof cholesterol increase is normal, is an effect of pregnancy. But attention to the extremes: sudden satisfy the cravings of sweets is good, but if it becomes a habit damaged beyond yourself-even the baby!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Milena Velba Milkmaid Pic

Pancione eighth month

And we came to 'eighth month ...

This morning I went for blood tests (with a bang soldoni !!!), that I should withdraw 14.08.2006.

Instead, a moment ago, the hospital where I went for my analysis has called an emergency at home for the values \u200b\u200bthat are too "How High" ...

I asked my brother to pick up the reports (prepared by proxy and everything you need), I just can not do it. I'm exhausted, almost swollen ankles from swelling .... But there are less than a couple of months, we're almost there.

I am curious to know the reason for such urgency ...

However, the belly grows, so here is the photo that shows the progress. In 10 days (compared a quella con l'abito giallo) e' aumentata di molto!!! Sono un'autentica "panzona" ;-)
