Thursday, November 29, 2007

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We are non-profit cultural association: this guarantees that the money it pays for your membership fee will be re-used for the sole purpose of the association. No office of the association shall be paid or you will be asked more money during the year, except of course for the cost of the ticket or event that you pay directly to the theater box office or institution providing service, or for private parties as further specified below.

CINEMA AND THEATRE DISCOUNTS: We offer to holders of our discount card, the possibilities for those who are associated to obtain discount tickets for Warner Village cinema throughout Italy or the Rome Film ADRIANO-ATLANTIC - Ambassade - ROYAL - ROYAL unlimited number and valid all days including holidays and great party (Christmas, Easter and so on. always!) until September 30 or 30 November each year (depends on the film); discount tickets for shows in the Teatro di Roma and Lazio, which provide for a reduction for Craal or Ass Cult.
parties, birthdays, weddings and special LIVE MUSIC Our association also produces small and large events such as your birthday party for your child, weddings, New Year or dancing using artists, musicians , singers, gospel choirs, magicians and dee-jay that we have formed over time.
A powerful sound system and lights are on hand for the evening of your choice you make from us, whether in your own living room or at the restaurant or outdoor location.
TRAINING also organize training courses in collaboration with several partners (in During this period there is a DEE-JAY), and develop specific programs of collaboration with institutional structures (social services of municipalities, etc.) for charity events and for the rehabilitation of difficult adolescents in families of origin, some of these guys are also engaged in the activities of the Association.


FOR THE THEATRE: For each card you can get two tickets to the show. The payment and collection of tickets for the theater you do it directly yourself at the theater box office (if you can not our staff is always around) after booking our numbers. This is the rule general, it can happen that there are certain diposizioni different shows.
FOR CINEMA : For each card there are no limits because tickets must be paid to the association and require at least the day before to check availability and withdrawal. The due date may be September 30 or November 30 of each year, depending on the cinema (the film is written on the voucher). You only need to go to the movies without cash to pay anything else and show the voucher which is converted into a ticket.


The card has a cost of 20 € . The card expires 12 months after purchase. With the card you'll receive a gadget association. The card is strictly personal and not transferable: it must be submitted to our staff to this event or the theater box office or cinema, together with proof of identity if requested. 1 or 2 events theater discount will be extended to non-registered association, in order to enable everyone to know that we do. Methods of payment: cash on appointment at the headquarters in Rome, or otherwise using Postepay or bank transfer (details provided via e-mail). To members from time to time we are giving out FREE tickets for for a few plays.


For ticket reservations and information of any kind (shows, activities, parties and quotes) call: or cell. WIND 348.70.43.172.

WEBSITES (reduced price theater) (party organization Events and Pricing) e-mail for info, bookings and estimates

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pokemon Soul Silver Emulator For Mac

say hello to all

hello, sorry for the absence!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

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months I have pondered before deciding to post again, my experience could be dispiriting for mums ...

Then I decided: after all, the situation has been straightened and is useful to know that sometimes things can go in the "wrong" but that we can not escape .. .
addition to the umbilical cord had been taken altri fatti preoccupanti: la placenta era precocemente invecchiata (con tanti piccoli infarti che ne compromettevano il buon funzionamento), ed il liquido amniotico si era ridotto in modo drastico.
A cio' si aggiunse un forte dolore al pube... ma era il minimo dei miei pensieri.
Tentai di essere ricoverata in una nota clinica romana (non faccio nomi perchè non posso permettermi avvocati in casi di querele che - quasi certamente- vincerei ma che mi porterebbero via tempo prezioso), ma i vari medici di turno mi dissero di attendere because it lacked a few days now the expected date of childbirth.
I needed a caesarean but the motto of the clinic is "the most natural birth 'as possible," which would be legitimate even if it was not my Afi (value indicating the amniotic fluid present) had not been so low.
I rushed and I was sure that would make me determined to give birth in one way or another ... and I did 5 days in hospital ... until I resigned, because the physician (primary, deputy? I've never been clear) was convinced that I could still give birth course.
I resigned, but the liquid decreased ... I could go somewhere else, but my gynecologist knew one of the doctors that he would attend due to childbirth, so I trusted and I took patience.
I had to go every day in the emergency room to do their monitoring - every time-it lasted more ': every time the baby moves less.
preoccupatisima I was ... Sinche ' a doctor of the clinic, making yet another echo monitoring and find 'that the child was beginning to suffer and that I myself was pretty serious ... Another urgent hospitalization.
But even in that day did nothing.
Further eco ... ache until I could get my medical records and found it written that the child was in danger of ugly, that the development of his body had become unsound and had started losing weight at an alarming rate.
I called my husband and ordered him to stick to my phone gynecologist if they were not something we would immediately move to take legal action passed - to turn over to law enforcement. "
venneda time an hour and a doctor asked me "would be contrary to an emergency caesarean section?"
opposite? But if this mess were given their willingness to make a "natural birth" at any cost!
Running in the delivery room, but there were no doctors: it was evening and it took a bit 'to find two ...
Continued ...