July 25
"THE DISAPPEARANCE OF COMMUNICATION" - Corsair Theatre Company Garden Closed-
Choreography, Patricia de Bari, Piazza dell'Erbe, 21 hours: 30 - € 10.00 (full) € 8.00 (reduced)
July 31
" The wine, Vernaccia Arma Knights" - wine tasting and local products
Org. Strada del Vino Vernaccia di San Gimignano-
with the participation of the Knights of St. Fina "
Parco della Rocca di Montestaffoli from 18:00 to 22:00
August 1
festival of thanksgiving to the patron saint of the city of San Gimignano: Santa Fina, born in 1238 in San Gimignano in the house still be visited today in the alley named after the saint. Solemn celebration in the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta with the participation of the municipal authority.
Org.: Basilica Santa Maria Assunta, the Committee Feasts -. Tel 0577940316.
August 2
Fiera di Santa Fina with setting up stalls e stands in Piazza del Duomo, Piazza della Cisterna. Org.: Comune di San Gimignano. Tel. 0577940008 (Ufficio Turistico).
“MARIO BIONDI” - Info Spettacoli - Piazza Duomo, ore 21:30 –
€ 60,00 1° settore numerato. ; € 40,00 gradinata
Informazioni e prenotazioni Associazione Pro Loco San Gimignano
Tel. 0577 940008 –fax 0577 940903 – info@sangimignano.com
“RIGOLETTO”- 76° Edizione Stagione Lirica- IKO International Orchestra
Piazza Duomo, ore 21:15
€ 40.00 1, Sector numbered (reduced € 37.00) € 34.00
2nd numbered sector (reduced € 31.00) € 15.00
steps (reduced € 13.00)
Information and reservations Association Pro Loco
San Gimignano Tel 0577 940008, fax 0577 940903 - info@sangimignano.com
August 9
"THE BARBER OF SEVILLE" - 76th Edition Opera season-IKO International Orchestra
Piazza Duomo, 21 hours : € 40.00 1
15 ° sector numbered (reduced € 37.00) € 34.00
2nd numbered sector (reduced € 31.00) € 15.00
steps (€ 13,00 ridotto)
Informazioni e prenotazioni Associazione Pro Loco San Gimignano
Tel. 0577 940008 –fax 0577 940903 – info@sangimignano.com
10 AGOSTO - Notte di S. Lorenzo
“Calici sotto le stelle” : degustazione di vini di San Gimignano. Piazza Sant’Agostino.
Org.: Comune di San Gimignano in collaborazione con l’Associazione “Città del vino”
“GIOVANNI ALLEVI-Piano Solo”- Info Spettacoli - Piazza Duomo, ore 21:30
€ 50,00 1° settore numerato - € 35,00 gradinata
Informazioni and reservations Association Pro Loco San Gimignano Tel 0577 940008
-fax 0577 940903 - info@sangimignano.com
August 12
"Ruffini-I? Twice! A big round of applause "- Info Shows - Piazza Duomo, at 21:30
€ 20.00 area numbered 1 - € 15.00 Information and reservations steps
Association Pro Loco San Gimignano
Tel-fax 940 008 0577 0577 940903 - info@sangimignano.com
August 13
"Chigi Academy of Music Orchestra della Toscana
Boris Belkin, violin - Chigiana Masters in Terra di Siena, Piazza Duomo, at 21:15
Music by Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Hatdn - Director, Francesco Pasqualetti
€ 15.00 (full) € 10.00 (reduced)
Information and reservations Association Pro Loco San Gimignano
Tel 0577 940008, fax 0577 940903 - info@sangimignano.com
August 28 Feast of St. Augustine with religious celebrations in the Church of St. Augustine.
Org.: Church of St. Augustine. Tel 0577940008 (Tourist Office).
"Vernaccia and the Middle Ages" - tasting wines and Local
Org. Strada del Vino Vernaccia di San Gimignano
with the participation of the "Flag-Wavers of villages and districts Fiorentini"
Parco della Rocca di Montestaffoli from 18:00 to 22:00 August 29
Fair for the feast of Sant ' Augustine, in the central squares
From sunrise to sunset
" Gatti Stefano Bellani-media" - Serena
Association benefit concert "Night for you"
Ulignano, Amphitheater 21:00 - free
"Feast Gourmet" Festival at gastromica "Il Campino.
Org.: Basilica Santa Maria Assunta, the Committee Feasts -. Tel 0577940316.
September 4
"Rhapsody of Love" - \u200b\u200bAssociation of Friends of Ulignano
Director, Stephen Cencetti
Ulignano, Amphitheater 21:00 - free
"11th Anniversary Strada del Vino Vernaccia San Gimignano -
wine tasting and local produce Org. Strada del Vino Vernaccia di San Gimignano
Parco della Rocca di Montestaffoli from 12:00 to 22:00
September 5
"LATIN ROCK 3" - School ball of the LUS
Piazza Duomo, 17:30 - free
September 8 Feast of Our Lady of Pancole: Loc in Pancole 6 km from San Gimignano, in the shrine built in 1670. Liturgical celebrations. Food stalls and fireworks. Org.: Sanctuary Pancole.Tel. 0577940008 (Tourist Office).
17 and 18 September
" ATREALLARIA " Association of Craftsmen and Artists of San Gimignano Piazza
dell'Erbe, 14:00