Survey dell'Adoc cost of culture in Italy, ranging from museums, through a comparison between the museums of Rome and other European capitals, the cinema, again through a European comparison on the film in 3D and not to books analyzing the costs of a bestseller in Italy and abroad. According to the results of Rome, between the European capitals, the museum holds the circuit with the lowest prices and longer opening hours, and yet attendance records lower than other metropolitan areas.
Rome's museums have a lower entry cost on average by 21.6% compared to other European capitals excluding London, where the major museums, such as the British Museum and the National Gallery include a free entry. Only Prague, where it operates, among others, the museum dedicated to Franz Kafka, has lower prices by about half. Even for discount tickets, reserved in most cases, young people and students, Rome is the cheapest, costing on average 30% less than in other major cities. And the Capital also holds the record for opening hours, both daily and weekly, in Europe. On average, each museum will remain open for more than 10 hours a day and more than 61 hours per week, 25.9% more than in Berlin and 45% higher in Stockholm. Despite the low prices and opening hours extended the museums in Rome, however, a marked downward trend of admissions, a drop average 5% over last year, the Vatican Museums have only seen a growth of around 3%, with over 4 million visitors a year. Compared to the museums of European capitals, however, the turnout is, if you think that only the British Museum in London was attended by about eight million visitors a year and in Paris the Louvre, stood at 6 million.
According to the ADOC should improve services for families and children.
E 'was an acute shortage of services for children, nursery and baby parking are virtually absent as there are no offers rebates for families with children small. In contrast, in Spain and England for large families are provided free or reduced tickets, as well as for children under the age of 5 years. In addition, the unemployed or seeking employment and students often come for free abroad. At a time of crisis like this, where the money available for culture are scarce, there should be forms of facilities and services to families most significant and concrete. Rome and Italy whole must be able to exploit their natural vocation of art history, the museum is crucial for the tourism economy in the Roman and Italian.
In terms of film, according to the survey of the Association in Italy watch a movie in 3D is cheaper than in other European countries, but the same is not true for the classic film, or in 2D. In Rome, in fact, the ticket for 3D films is 10 €, as in New York, and 15% less than in Paris or Berlin, 13% less than in Amsterdam and 8% less than in London. But a ticket to a traditional movie costs us 10% more than in Spain and 36% more than in Holland. But beyond cost, and the 3D can be a health problem, especially for children. Many movies, especially the multiplex, provide for a range in films shown in 3D, with the risk of harmful effects for consumers. For this ADOC has called for all films in 3D specify a minimum interval of 5 minutes, so you can rest your eyes. In addition, the Association believes it is useful and proper to inform viewers of possible contradictions arising from the use of three-dimensional vision goggles. In this sense, it would be delivered, along with the ticket, a "leaflet" doctor they are clearly explicit rules for the use of glasses and the possible health hazards arising from their use. It would be appropriate and necessary to introduce the word "recommended viewing for children under 6 years" in the film in 3D and not only inside the rooms that they project. The 3D is booming, but it is fondamentale proteggere la salute dei spettatori italiani.

Sempre in ambito cinema, per i prezzi di popcorn e bibita gassata, invece, i cinema italiani sono i più cari d’Europa, superati solo da Londra, dove costano circa il 6% in più che nella Capitale. Il confronto con le altri capitali è impietoso: costano il 22,3% in più che a Madrid, il 20,4% in più di Berlino e addirittura il 129,3 % in più di Atene, mediamente il 33,9% in più. Si può dire che al cinema viga la regola “vedere ma non mangiare”. Altrimenti sono dolori per il portafogli.
Virando l’attenzione sull’ultimo tema, quello dei libri, risulta che è Italy is the country where the books, especially best sellers, costing more. In a novel Belpaese costs on average € 16.10, 11, 9% more than in France, 18.8% more than Germany, 17.1% more than in England and even the 46.1 % more than the United States. Only Ireland, the average price is higher, reaching € 17.60. Figures justifying in part the lack of Italian players, spending more than 15 € for a novel, with the current crisis, many families are not allowed.
Media on the normal price and reduced of the various museums
Rome | € 6.5 | = | € 4 | = |
Paris | € 8 | +23% | € 6 | +50% |
Madrid | € 7 | +7.6% | € 4 | = |
Berlin | € 10 +54% |
| % +62.5 € 6.5 |
Amsterdam | € 12 +84% |
| € 6 | +50% |
London * | € 7.5 | +15% | 4 € | = |
Praga | 3,5 € | -86% | 2 € | -50% |
Stoccolma | 10 € | +54% | 8 € | +100% |
* The London's main museums (National Gallery, British Museum, Tate Modern) are free
Times Opening museums
CITY | daily / weekly time | DIFF. % |
Rome | 10,2 ore / 61,2 ore | = |
Parigi | 10 ore / 60,4 ore | -2% |
Madrid | 10 ore / 60,4 ore | -2% |
Berlino | 8,1 ore / 49 ore | -25,9% |
Amsterdam | 8 ore / 48 ore | -27,5% |
Londra | 9,15 ore / 55,3 ore | -11,4% |
Praga | 8 ore / 48 ore | -27,5% |
Stoccolma | 7 hours / 42 hours | -45.7% |
ROME | 7.50 EURO | = |
MADRID | 6.80 EURO | -10.3% |
PARIS | 8.50 EURO | +13.3% |
BERLIN | 7.50 EURO | = |
LONDON | 10 EURO | +33% |
AMSTERDAM | 5.5 EURO | -36.4% |
NEW YORK | 9 EURO | +20% |
ROME | 10 EURO | = |
MADRID | 11 EURO | +10% |
PARIS | 11.50 EURO | +15% |
| +15% |
| +8% |
| +13% |
NEW YORK | = 10 EURO |
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