Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can Cocaine Be Prescribed By A Doctor

Project BeEAMS

On 23 March, during the European Sustainable Energy Week ADOC has launched the project in Italy BeEAMS - Boosting Energy Efficiency in Aspiring Member States, cofinanced by the European Union under the progra mma

IPA 2008 Civil Society Facility to Support Partnership Actions "Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work ", the only project won by Italy in this competition on energy efficiency.

BeEAMS The project aims at strengthening the role of civil society organizations in the Balkans and in Turkey

, and develop partnerships that promote sustainable actions and behaviors.

The project, the total duration of 18 months, will cost a total of 349,840 eur

or, in € 278,822.48 (equal to 79.7%) represent the financing granted by the European Commission.

organizations implementing the project are all consumer organizations (ADOC - Italy; "KLUB POTROSACA" Tz Tuzla - Bosnia and Herzegovina; POTRO

SAC - Croatia APOS - Serbia; TÜKET ici BiLiNCiNi Gelistirme Dernegi - Turkey ).

ADOC is the lead organization, its role is strategic not only for the transfer to the partner organizations of knowledge on energy and the protection of consumers, but anche per portare i suoi 20 anni di esperienza di lobbying e di networking a livello europeo. In questo progetto, l'efficienza energetica è settore-pilota di un nuovo modo di favorire le reti e la cooperazione, che può essere esteso e replicato in altri importanti settori (ambiente, gestione dei rifiuti, ecc ecoturismo).

Le aree in cui verrà realizzato il progetto sono il Cantone di Tuzla (Bosnia-Erzegovina), la Regione di Zagabria (Croazia), la Provincia di Vojvodina (Serbia) e la provincia di Istanbul (Turchia).

Obiettivo generale di BeEAMS è di stimolare e far accrescere l'efficienza energetica, l’utilizzo di energie rinnovabili e il consumo razionale, nonché di rafforzare la tutela "consumer power" in aspiring member states of the Balkans by fostering the acceptance of values, standards and good European practices. This overall objective will be pursued through the transfer of knowledge and awareness on energy issues (with special reference to the construction sector) among stakeholders: consumer organizations, consumers and users, policy makers and public authorities, stakeholders and the business world services.

As required by the EU ban, there are no specific activities on Italian territory, but the ADOC - as leader - will have the task of their experience and to share its expertise with partners in the organization of consumers of a member country, to contribute to the organization and proper conduct of a series of workshops and other communication events, coordinate and monitor the activities of the Balkan partners , to liaise with the European Commission, to oversee the conduct of the action as a whole, to heal - with partners - the creation of materials about the topics touched upon.

The problems faced by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, are mostly the same

low energy efficiency and consumption of energy in buildings (Including the high use of electricity for heating);

lower development and deployment of energy-related services, of new products and techniques, as well as renewable energy, resulting in high dependence on external supplies energy;

poor motivation of energy consumers to save energy at all levels. This is due to a lack of knowledge and information on best practices and the rights of consumers, the cost is relatively low electricity prices and the lack of metering and billing systems that could allow each consumer to calculate the their energy consumption and positive results - both economic and environmental - of the shares of savings and energy efficiency.

To address these issues and promote sustainable change, BeEAMS was organized in two blocks of activities that are aimed at different target groups (with their specific needs) and aimed at different results, but related .

The first phase of operation (the first 11 months) mainly focuses on: i) improvement of networking and lobbying, e approfondimento delle competenze sulla tematica energetica da parte delle organizzazioni di consumatori dei paesi balcanici coinvolti nel progetto; ii) apertura e coinvolgimento in questa attività di organizzazioni di consumatori che operano in altre regioni dei Paesi coinvolti nel progetto e diverse da quelle in cui l'azione avrà luogo; iii) monitoraggio tramite questionari e raccolta di dati in materia di efficienza energetica, energie rinnovabili, consumo razionale e diritti dei consumatori negli aspiranti Stati membri interessati.

La seconda fase (successivi 7 mesi) sarà rivolta ad organizzare e realizzare eventi pubblici destinati agli stakeholders, al fine di aumentare la consapevolezza dei “consumatori di energia”, degli enti pubblici e delle aziende degli aspiranti stati membri sui temi oggetto del progetto.

Gli eventi, che si svolgeranno negli stati balcanici individuati, avranno lo scopo di incoraggiare gli stakeholders a modificare i propri comportamenti in direzione più sostenibile, e di avvicinarli ai valori e agli standard europei. Queste attività punteranno non solo a creare una maggior consapevolezza a livello di buone pratiche per l’efficienza e il risparmio energetico, responsabilizzando gli utenti, ma anche ad accrescere la richiesta per un livello più alto di tutela dei consumatori, che nei paesi aspiranti membri è ancora lontana dal livello europeo.

In particolare gli eventi riguarderanno scuole, enti pubblici, building managers, representatives of the tertiary sector (tourism, trade, welfare, etc..) citizens at large, stimulating the strengthening of civil society and self, and so facilitate the sustainable transformation.

the words expressed at the conference by Carlo Pileri, president dell'Adoc, the Association has decided to engage in the forefront in emergency energy, and because energy costs for families and businesses, is becoming Most importantly, both because it is necessary to make choices as to which energy use and how to use them. ADOC will work in Italy, with information campaigns and demands of the emergency in progress, but also intends to extend its commitment to the European level, right before the decision on the energy sector and relations between producing countries and consuming countries of energy. In this perspective, consumers should not and can not be the last link in the chain, otherwise there is a risk that this will break. BeEAMS The project, funded by the European Commission, is included in these choices of collaborative efforts with the candidate countries to join Europe, with the ADOC consumer associations which aims to initiate a strong dialogue and collaborative, so you can learn more their respective peoples and create a new front d’impegno a livello europeo per salvaguardare i diritti e gli interessi dei consumatori.

Per l’Adoc è necessario favorire il cambiamento energetico sostenibile. Il fotovoltaico in Europa, in dieci anni, è passato dall’1% al 12% del mercato energetico e si ritiene che nel 2020 esso possa soddisfare tra il 4% ed il 6% della domanda europea di elettricità. E’ quanto afferma Nunzio Buongiovanni, Presidente di Adoc Lombardia e Responsabile Energia di Adoc. Secondo Buongiovanni la penetrazione del fotovoltaico, inoltre, garantirà minori emissioni di CO2 nell’atmosfera, garantendo minore volatilità dei prezzi dell’energia e minori perdite sulla rete di

distribuzione. A level of spending, now the European Photovoltaic production costs between 20 and 40 cents. per kWh, including eight years will be between 10 and 20 cent. euro and a further eight years after fall 5-10 cents. The countries of the project and then in front of their strong potential for growth. E 'therefore necessary to make time for that, when the next entry in Europe, those countries are already set for growth aligned with the enlarged Europe. According

Germana Perella, Project supervisor and project originator of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project stems from the awareness that a major obstacle to the dissemination of techniques for saving, energy efficiency and sustainability is the low motivation of consumers. The reduced choice, the frequent absence of clear pricing systems, the lack of information of users are common problems in the Balkans and in Turkey. From here, according to Perella, the idea of \u200b\u200ba partnership of consumer organizations as the engine of change in behavior, a partner that gap is to develop a shared strategy in action, not only raising awareness on energy but also by raising awareness consumer rights.

At the conference, where he was also well Anguel K. Beremlysky, the European Commission Representation in Italy, also spoke Stefano Corsi, an expert on energy BeEAMS, that there is a growing awareness that global and local economic development is no longer sustainable. Find what works best, environmentally sustainable, energy efficient, allows not only better economic development but also better quality of life and social equity. Inside the homes are increasingly buying products and components, and whose direct use by consumers improves energy saving such as fluorescent lamps or LEDs, control systems and heat metering or flow reducers for taps. The cost difference with traditional systems is gradually decreasing and the costs can be ripagati attraverso la minor spesa energetica e la maggiore durabilità, permettendo in generale una elevata redditività, anche grazie ai contributi pubblici a cui tali interventi spesso accedono.

L'intervento del dott. Alessandro Pascucci Responsabile del settore Ricerca e Sviluppo di Esco Italia focalizza invece il ruolo e le competenze delle le società per i servizi energetici E.S.Co. puntando l'attenzione sullo strumento del Finanziamento Tramite Terzi attraverso il quale le E.S.Co. si fanno carico degli investimenti necessari ad affrontare gli interventi per rendere più ecosostenibili le imprese, massimizzando i vantaggi conseguiti dai successivi risparmi. L'intervento inquadra il Decreto Legislativo 115/2008 nel contesto normativo current.


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