From April 6 Ordinance shall take effect on economic incentives for energy saving.
ADOC has welcomed the decision to give the green light to the decree that finances the fund incentives, a measure especially important because it tends to promote energy savings, with discounts for purchasing energy efficient appliances and eco-homes. Estimates of the Association for the Defence of Consumers and orientation will be about 700 000 consumers taking advantage of the decree. About 60 000 will be consumatori che potranno usufruire degli sconti per le cucine a incasso, 240 mila saranno quelli che acquisteranno elettrodomestici singoli, cappe o pompe, 40 mila quelli che sfrutteranno gli incentivi per l’adsl. Nonostante la bontà degli incentivi, è opinione dell’Adoc che servirebbe maggiore coraggio in tema energetico, da concretizzarsi in incentivi all’acquisto di pannelli solari e sistemi di isolamento termico. La critica che l’Associazione muove al decreto concerne la limitatezza dei fondi, ammontanti a 300 milioni di euro. La regola del “chi arriva prima” tende a discriminare chi non dispone di immediata disponibilità economica, avvantaggiando, di fatto, chi ha già a disposizione le somme necessarie for purchase. For this required that the fund is not exhausted at the end of the money pledged, but remain open until all of the questions. The Association then leave a tip for those who wish to take advantage of incentives: to pay the deposit and confirm the purchase only after the seller had insurance that falls within the fund incentives, because the seller could attract customers with the promise of then a discount may not be there for the depletion of the fund for the industry sector of interest. Finally, not all merchants will be able to do the rebates, but only those who registered at the call center located between the 6th and April 15th. So beware, check first, asking, that your dealer has not provided for this performance.
How to obtain discounts:
Consumers should contact their dealer from April 15 until 31 December 2010 (and subject to availability of fund) asking to use the incentive. The dealer will check the capacity of the bonus via phone or electronically in a fixed time and communicate to consumers the availability of the incentive to become a discount on the purchase price. The operation obviously stops at that time if available funds are exhausted. The Post Office will activate a call center to provide information, but with a special arrangement will also have other duties. They must realize anche le procedure informatizzate e il sito internet necessario allo svolgimento dell'operazione e saranno l'interfaccia del rivenditore per il rimborso. Il negoziante che intende praticare lo sconto compilerà un modulo elettronico riportato in un apposito sito del ministero, poi al momento della vendita, effettuata l'emissione dello scontrino fiscale, lo trasmetterà online al «centro di contatto» delle Poste.
A fronte di ogni operazione effettuata è riconosciuto al venditore un rimborso dell'ammontare della riduzione di prezzo praticata. Il relativo importo è corrisposto mensilmente al venditore presso gli sportelli delle Poste.
Come sono suddivisi gli incentivi per l'acquisto di Kitchen:
The discount is immediately on the price of 10% to a maximum of 1,000 € for the purchase of a replacement of an old kitchen, with hob, oven and dishwasher, all of Class A. Different to the previews, but there is the division of the mountain-ranging incentives for the purchase of 60 million kitchens with built-in appliances and 50 to separate the purchases of Class A dishwasher free standing, fitted kitchens with top of the equipment used and safety oven in Class A, of hoods with air conditioning (exclusively Italian product, maximum efficiency) heat pump water heaters and pellet stoves. The discounts range from 80 to 500 € depending on the equipment. In force remains the bonus of 20% for refrigerator and freezer class A + and A + + for 4 years and ending at the end of the year as new incentives.
... and appliances: For
appliances (the fund amounts to EUR 50 million) the discount is 20%, with a maximum contribution ranging from 80 to 500 € depending on the product category.
In detail:
up to 130 € (replacement of old aircraft, a dishwasher is not less than the class A / A / A)
up to 80 € (for the replacement of old electric ovens appareccchi not less Class A device and hob with FSD)
up to 100 € (for sostituziome of old appliances with gas stoves)
up to 500 € (to replace old equipment with covers air-conditioned)
up to 400 € (to replace old equipment with pumps heat for hot water with COP? 2.5)
remain outside the "package" - instead - washing machines and refrigerators, so the incentives are still in place last year, which are in force until December 31, 2010.
... Motorcycles and scooters and mopeds
To set incentives are of two types. The first is for scooters and motorcycles "€ 3" with power limit within the 70 kw: the discount is 10% of list price to a maximum value of 750 €.
Then there is the second incentive, which includes motorcycles and electric hybrids. For them, the discount is double: 20% and a maximum of 1,500 €.
As for electric and hybrids do not need the destruction, it is not necessary to give back an old two-wheelers to benefit from the first type of incentive (necessarily "€ 0" or "euro1).
Also for motorcycles with power within the limit of 70 kw was also set a limit of capacity, equal to 400 cc.
... and the DSL
Per quanto riguarda gli incentivi per la linea Adsl, il decreto attuativo ha definito l'entità dello sconto (50 euro) e i requisiti per beneficiarne (nuova attivazione di banda larga per i giovani con un'età compresa tra i 18 e i 30 anni). Il fondo stanziato è pari a 20 milioni di euro.
L'incentivo per le eco-abitazioni:
Un adempimento in più scatta se si usufruisce dello sconto sulle eco-abitazioni. In questo caso è prevista la certificazione di efficienza energetica da parte dell'agenzia nazionale Enea. Ricevuta l'apposita documentazione dal venditore, l'Enea comunica l'attestazione favorevole o negativa entro 30 giorni dalla ricezione.
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