Carmen at the Teatro Sociale di Trento
Opera in quattro atti
Libretto di Henri Meilhac e Ludovic Havély
ispirato alla novella omonima di Prosper Mérimée
Musica di Georges Bizet
Personaggi e interpreti
Carmen, Veronica Simeoni / Stroppa
Micaela Anna, Daria Masiero / Valerie Corradetti
Don Jose, Andrea Care / Kalim Bratescu
Escamillo, nmon Ford
Zunica, Carlo Malinverno
Frasquita, Natalia Roman
Mercedes, Nadia Petrenko
Dancairo, Gabriele Nani
Remendado, Max René Cosotti
Morales, Donato Di Gioia
Concert master and conductor Francesco Rosa
Production, scenery, costumes and lighting Ivan Stefanutti
Veneto Philharmonic Orchestra Regionale Veneto
Coro Lirico of LI.VE.
Children's Choir Boys Choir of San Bortolo
mimic movements and Assistant Director Claudio Ronda
chorus master Giorgio Mazzucato
Company Fabula Saltica
Assistant set designer Giulio Magnetto
Masters and collaborators Felix Gerardo Cristian Maggio
Maestro Sabina Baratella
designer lamps and lighting technical director Roberto Lunar
stage director Federico Bertolani
machinist Matthew Fasano
Chief Electrician Gianluca Quaglio
Cape seamstress Mirella Magagnini
production LI.VE. - Teatro Sociale di Rovigo, City of Padua - Teatro Verdi, the Town of Bassano-OperaFestival
in co-production with Theatre of Rimini, Centro Cultural Services Santa Chiara of Trento, Teatro dell'Opera Playful Savona, Teatro Verdi in Pisa.
After several years is again proposed to the extraordinary realism Trent Environmental bizet in a new production of Ivan Stefanutti care that direction, sets, costumes and lights Carmen ˝ ˝, absolutely one of the greatest masterpieces of the entire musical theater. Carmen - March 3, 1875 represented the Opera-Comique in Paris - was greeted with extreme coldness. Bizet fell into deep crisis and died shortly afterwards, perhaps suicidal, just 37 years. The success, unique and great, comes after the author's death. The work anticipates in some sense the realism of the Opera House in introducing psychological realism. One of the greatest admirers of Bizet and his stunning masterpiece was Nietzsche who opposed the French musician - author of a "return to nature, health, cheerfulness, youth, virtue ' - To Wagner that he had filled with ghosts ˝ ˝ Europe. The work takes advantage of excellent musicians like Simeon and Anna Veronica Stroppa (Carmen), Andrea Bratescu Care and Kalim (Don Jose), nmon Ford (Escamillo), Daria Masiero and Valerie Corradetti (Micaela) in the direction of Francesco Rosa. Coro Lirico Veneto - LI. VE. - With the Boys Choir of San Bortolo, both directed by Giorgio Mazzucato.
Teatro Sociale
Trento at 20.30
Teatro Sociale
16.00, Round: FA
Info and tickets
stalls and balcony plants p. 1, 2, 3 € 54.00
Stages centrali I e II ord. p. 4, 5 €38,00
Palchi laterali p. 1, 2, 3 €48,00
Palchi centrali III ord. p. 4, 5 €28,00
Loggione €28,00
Ridotto meno €5,00
Platea e palchi centrali p. 1, 2, 3 €100,00
Palchi centrali I e II ord. p. 4, 5 €70,00
Palchi laterali p. 1, 2, 3 €90,00
Palchi centrali III ord. p. 4, 5 €50,00
Loggione €50,00
Speciale giovani €26,00
(comprende Aggiungi un posto a tavola 11/01 - Carmen 14/02 - Aladin 12/04 - Roméo e Juliet 16/10/2011)
Centrale €140,00
Central Lateral
reduced € 130.00 € 130.00 € 118.00
reduced side
especially young
€ 59.00 € 100.00
Card family (27 shows in 14 prose - with the exception of Myth and Love - the second opera, two musicals, dance 9 - with the exception of The Nutcracker and Swan Lake. Terms card family: Dad and / or mom + minor children, with presentation of certificate of family status, on sale from September 13 to October 16 only in cases Auditorium and Social)
Tickets can be collected only from the date of advance ticket sales of single season.
cooperation in presenting the card is entitled to a reduction of about 10% of the subscription price for cards and / or the ticket.
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