Mon amour - The shadow of the heart at the Teatro San Marco
Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 15:30 and 17:30
Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 15:30 and 17:30
The Blower Theatres
Entertainment actor and mime
director Alessio Kogoj
with Soledad Rivas Klaus Saccardo
lyrics and poetic forms Kogoj Alessio, Soledad Rivas, Klaus Saccardo
lighting design costumes
Tassis Mariano De Chiara Stefania Casagranda
Defant and scientific advice Simoncini and Mario Franchini
graphic design Giuliana Vanessa Saccardo
SCENARIOinfanzia Finalist Prize Winner of the 2008 Festival XXVIII National Theatre for Children of Padua, 2009, with the support of the Together Foundation Onlus, theater United
Province Autonomous Province of Trento - Department of Culture
The show tells, with lightness, the birth of love through the eyes of two children with a language through a funny and ironic and poetic use of the body, ranging from mime to clown. In a world of separated parents, including the fi shoved here and there, Mark and Lisa go to discover the reasons of the heart, which has no reasons. Among chases and escapes, curiosity and fear, the two young protagonists are faced with the first beating heart. In the show, the dialogue is interspersed with pictures of pure movement, in which the imagination of children is going to create characters worthy of a modern Peynet. But when love ends and tackles the separation, that's the same imaginary nascono scherzi crudeli, capaci di scatenare liti furibonde e appassionate. Uno spettacolo romantico dove genitori e figli si passano il testimone delle emozioni, nell'eterno e instancabile gioco del rincorrersi e sfuggirsi, cercarsi e lasciarsi.
Teatro S. Marco - Trento
ore 15.30 e ore 17.30
Teatro S. Marco - Trento
ore 15.30 e ore 17.30
Info e biglietti
Posto unico ragazzi non numerato € 4
Posto unico adulti non numerato € 6
Card Anch'io* 5 spettacoli € 19
Card Anch'io*15 ingressi € 55
*le card non possono essere acquistate to the case before the show to present your card
In cooperation will be entitled to a reduction of about 10% on the price of the card and / or the ticket.
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