Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mount And Blade Wedding Dance Python

Doctor Frankenstein theater Cuminetti Blood and

theater Cuminetti
10/02/2011 21:00

Koreja-Teatro Stabile of Innovation (Lecce)
loosely based on Frankenstein ˝ ˝ M. Shelley
director Salvatore Tramacere and Fabrizio Pugliese Fabrizio Pugliese

draft text by Francesco Niccolini
Fabrizio Pugliese Fabrizio Cilento Saccomanno
scenes Iole
lighting design Lucio Diana
Best Actor Award at Fabrizio Pugliese - Fadjr Theatre Festival in Tehran is a Frankenstein

myth multifaceted and can generate questions so important in a world where science is always about to jeopardize the balance of the planet. Questions that have to do with the idea of \u200b\u200blimit, control, insatiability, and omnipotence. Nearly two centuries since Mary Shelley wrote her masterpiece, this Doctor Frankenstein does not pretend that time has passed: the scientist updates its instruments and its achievements, it multiplies the experiments, creating increasingly sophisticated but imperfect beings that he himself would like to eliminate, if not crossed by the disturbance of a father who - despite everything - loves his deformed creatures. The show is hard, but at the same time it is comical to stupidity, knowing that not only the great scientist, but every actor in the life, one day she gave birth to a creature failed badly and did not know how he could love her.

Full TICKETS € 13.00 € 11.00
Reduced Reduced newsletter (leaving your email address to school will receive via mail the coupon to get discount tickets for all events) € 10.00 Reduced
college students schools and students of theater to theater students
€ 9.00 € 5.00

CUMINETTI CARDS CARD € 54.00-6 inputs to be chosen
CUMINETTICARD The subscription entitles you to retire to 6 inputs for all events of the season In addition Trento. CuminettiCard is the original and profitable subscription In addition to the 2009/2010 season Trent Cuminetti Theatre. CuminettiCard-transferable and non-personal. You can then use the tickets how, when and with whom you want, pay CuminettiCard to a friend or whoever you want (you can not exhaust the subscription in a single evening).
TERMS OF USE: You can use the CuminettiCard, pick up your tickets in advance (even a month or more before the show!), The cashier at the Auditorium Theater and the Teatro Sociale. Or after booking (tel. 0461/924470), you can collect the tickets (after 20) within the hours 20.45, cash only at the Theatre Cuminetti.


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